The Finacial Summit goes on…

Well, what I thought was going to be a hard, neck-achy day has extended to a hard, neck-achy week. It takes a few days for the first round of fund exchanging to go through (sell this first before buying that, etc.). Plus, yours truly never did get caught up with Quicken. So guess what I’ve been working on tonight?

The best thing to come out of the summit is the approval of some purchases. The only drawback is Tarn put some prerequisites on the purchases, like clean out parts of the basement. Ug. It’s probably a good idea, since some of the stuff will go down there.

Tarn has her wisdom teeth extraction follow-up appointment tomorrow. She’s doing great: hopefully the doctor will agree. You know, she only had two wisdom teeth. The spots where the other two teeth would normally have been is empty (of teeth). Her doctor was joking that she is an evolved human.

2 Responses to “The Finacial Summit goes on…”

  1. I am assuming this “Summit” is a yearly budget meeting between J and C?…… Give and Take?….. eh?… Home Politics?……. Both being smooth talkers, I’d be very interested in who gets the best of who….. Inquiring “Do-Heads” and “Smeg-Heads” wanna know!……

  2. Dear Dos and Smegs,

    Yep, you got it. The Financial Summit is a yearly event covering all things financial, budget included. There are definitely home politics involved, but this is clearly Chloe’s area of expertise. My track record of money handling is quite shady.

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