Fines for the Weatherman

Heard on the news today that the citizens of Moscow (That’s the one in Russia) are so fed-up with the bad weather forcasting messing up their plans, that the city council (or whatever they have over there runnin’ the place) have decided to stop funding the meteorological community and may start imposing fines on weathermen who make exceptionally bad forcasts……..

Maybe they should start this in Oklahoma……. (Sorry, HuskySooner…..)

2 Responses to “Fines for the Weatherman”

  1. #1 by huskysooner

    So they’re going back to the ole ouija board? Reading goat entrails?

  2. Yeah, but the goat entrails have to be placed just so on the ouija board and close to an outside window……

    The only real complaint I have about Oklahoma forcasting is the weathermen (women, persons, or whatever you have to say to be politically correct) just won’t admit how hard it is to predict the weather in Oklahoma….. They just act as if what they predicted the day before (even if it turned out to be 100% incorrect) was totally accurate and give you another 7-day forecast that they claim is 100% correct, or, at least, better than all the other predictions on the other channels….. Why don’t they just come out and say Oklahoma has no major land features (other than flat) and we have the very unstable Gulf of Mexico to our South, the Rockies to our West, and the strong jet stream to our North, which means a front can move across Oklahoma in a flash, or stall out, or slow down, or just disappear at anytime or anywhere it decides to….. It’s a crap shoot to predict what will happen in the next 24 hours in Oklahoma, not alone the next 7 days, so-o-o, why not tell the viewers the truth, explain the difficuties of predicting Oklahoma weather, admit it when they miss it, and maybe cut that 7-day down to a 3-day forecast…..

    Just once, I’d like to hear this from any of the weather forecasters in Oklahoma….. That’d be the channel I’d watch for my weather info from then on….

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