Just one more Note in the Key of G(overnment)…….

The Guess Who had a hit in 1970 with “Share the Land.” But the song was banned across the South because politicians thought it was promoting communism…… As the band explained, the song was about heaven…….

Wouldn’t those red-baiting politicians have served the country better by investigating the subversive lyrics in “Louie, Louie”?…….. Oh! That’s right, they had the FBI handle that investigation……..

Of course, that was a different time, but has it gotten better or worse as the Black and White of things fade into varying Shades of Grey ?…….

2 Responses to “Just one more Note in the Key of G(overnment)…….”

  1. Not so loud. Someone might be listening…..

  2. #2 by Randalf the Grey

    Big Sister ? Clowndoleeza Rice ?

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