Pumpkin Carving

Did anyone carve pumpkins this year?  Growing up I was deprived of carving pumpkins.  Maybe it wasn’t an Oklahoman thing, since I don’t recall seeing any on the streets near where I lived.  Since moving to Seattle, I’ve really enjoyed cuttin’ into ’em.  Here’s a picture of ours from this year.  We started with the salamander pattern from PumpkinLady.com and added the walking marks, the tree, and finally the parts sticking out of the sides.

Salamander Pumpkin

Notice the half’-tree sticking out on the left and the sneaky salamander sticking out on the right, tail on top.

6 Responses to “Pumpkin Carving”

  1. My daughter was involved in a Halloween promotion where she works. My wife spent several hours carving out a giant pumpkin, which was then lined with plastic. Her store then took photos of children inside the pumpkin. Pretty cool!!!

  2. Wow! That must have been quite a large pumpkin.

  3. Yeah, I missed out on the pumpkin carving in the Great NorthWest again this year, and, damn, I miss doing it…. I guess I could have carved one up here in Oklahoma, but, most Oklahomans think they make better pies than scary light sources and you can’t rope and ride ’em either…….

  4. There were plenty in my neighborhood, MRambler.

  5. Sorry ’bout that, Huskysooner, I guess my humor was a little off in comment 3….. I didn’t mean to imply that Oklahomans didn’t participate in pumpkin carving, although, when I was growing up, my family never got into pumpkin carving….. Maybe because all of our individual families (aunts, uncles, cousins) lived on farms where Trick-or-Treating was more-or-less an impossibility so Halloween wasn’t really observed to a large extent….. And these days, unless you live in a very close knit neighborhood, most people take their children to malls or other places….. I know I didn’t see one Trick-or-Treater in the neighborhood I live in now this year……

  6. You’re right, MR.

    A lot of the curmudgeonry is driven by people with ahistorical and theologically misguided notions that it’s the Devil’s/Satan’s Holiday. I kid you not that I’ve heard that exact line. I think pushing everybody into the malls under the guise of “safety” is one way they work to deligitimize the holiday. Also, when the 31st lands on a Sunday, the local governments all get together and say that trick-or-treating will be on Monday, because it’s not good to have it on the weekend. A pretty ingenuous rationale, since they think it’s OK to trick-or-treat on Saturday. Wouldn’t want to have Satan partying on the Sabbath, you know!

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