American Mindset
Sensing a market opportunity, Net Nanny, makers of Net Nanny filtering software, announced this week it will introduce NetNarrow, an English-only product that automatically filters out content that appears to be international. Specifically, the software looks for world datelines and keywords indicative of irrelevant foreign stories, including “Shiite,” “post-Apartheid,” and “Bob Geldof.”
Survey-taker Craig Barker of Brooklyn, New York, said he will be among the first to get NetNarrow. “On the Web, there are so many ways to get news from so many different places, I could really get some fresh insights into what’s going on in other countries if I wanted to,” he said.. “But I don’t want to.”
“You’d think these Internet people would know that,” Barker added. “I mean, that’s why the Internet is called America Online, right? It’s supposed to be about America.”
P.S. Thanks for Spellcheck for those of use too old, too illiterate or both
November 3rd, 2005 at 1:15 am
This is part of a fictional news story from SatireWire. The original article has the following disclaimer:
November 3rd, 2005 at 1:53 am
You are correct, jek. However, I do know quite a few people who do have that mindset.
Apathy is abound. If it doesn’t effect me, then I don’t care mentality that seems to pervade our society. Do you agree?