3 Relevent Quotes
” The larger the lie, the more people will believe it”
Adolph Hitler
“Those who do not remember the past, are condemned to repeat it”
Anonymous Soldier who helped liberate the Auschwitz Concentration Camp
Both are extremely relevant today, don’t ya think?
My Personal favorite.
“Anything you’re doing right now, that is not leading you toward your desired goal in life, Then what are you doin’ it for?”
Brother Dave Gardner
November 4th, 2005 at 10:21 am
Yeah, Brother Dave was way ahead of his time on putting life into it’s proper perspective…… I would recommend his records (CD’s) to everyone….. http://www.laugh.com offers a 4-pack of Brother Dave for just under $40 (just a little over with shipping…..) which includes “Rejoice, Dear Hearts”, “Ain’t That Weird?”, “Kick Thy Own Self”, and “Did You Ever?”…. Enjoy or I’ll “hit you so hard your head’ll hum like a 10-penny finishing nail hit with a greasy ball-peen hammer”……