Selling (Out) America by the Dollar

I’m sure everyone’s aware of our larger cities across America selling the naming rights for pubic buildings built with taxpayers funds to private corporations…… I, personally, think this is criminal and should be viewed as a “conflict of interest” in that it is nothing more than an unfair business advantage and not only gives the impression that the particular city approves this corporation’s product over its competition, but also gives the impression that the corporation built the building (i.e. “The Ford Centre” in OKC) and is doing severe damage to small business and only goes to prove that America is run by big business and we’re in big trouble…… We have laws that concern separation of Church and state because of the reasons I mentioned above……. So-o-o, where are laws that apply to the separation of business and state or did our forefathers just not think we could possibly get this greedy?……….

BUT, since it’s here and a reality, why aren’t the Fed’s in on it?……. The government could make lots of money without raising taxes (hopefully) by selling cash sponsorship to corporations……… Like I said, they’ve got most of our money anyway, so why shouldn’t they pay for naming rights?…….. Disney could sponsor the penny because that’s a Mickey Mouse denomination anyway….. The quarter?….. Just get rid of the eagle and imprint the coin with a burger, the McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with Cheese…… The dime?……. Sponsored by Wal-Mart, only now it’s marked down to 6 1/2 cents……….

The last part I got off my WELL,DUH! calendar (with a few MR changes), but I’m not so sure that it’s too far off base……

8 Responses to “Selling (Out) America by the Dollar”

  1. How about the United States of Disney?

  2. The vote is in and…… YES,FOLKS!… The EARS have it by a nose!……

  3. #3 by Randalf the Grey

    Good idea MR. And the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration could get in on this
    too. How about hurricane HOME DEPOT.

  4. Yeah, yeah, good, ….. We could have all the hurricanes named after building and tool supply companies, besides hurricane Home Depot we’d have hurricane Lowe’s, Ace Hardware, DeWalt, Black and Decker (with two names it’ll have to be a category 5), Sears, Weyerhauser, Acme Brick, etc., etc……

    Imagine the funds that could raise for better tracking equipment and planes, and maybe even have the side benefit of saving lives?….. What a concept!…..

  5. Selling (Out) America

    An interesting perspective on selling naming rights….

  6. #6 by Randalf the Grey

    When I was in jr. high, I saw a science film about meteorology in which there was an
    animation of missles being fired into a hurricane to diffuse it. The narrator hinted
    that, by the end of the 20th century, this would be reality–sort of like your George
    Jetson-mobile. Of course, they were also telling us that nuclear power would be “too
    cheap to meter”.

  7. Maybe, someone should release a CD Selling (Out) America by the Dollar. Remember
    Selling England by the Pound by Genesis?

  8. I was wondering if anyone was going to guess where I got the title idea for this post….. That’s a nickel-plated copper star for Sunn…..

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