Christmas Day…

Yeah, I got up early….. Why?…… ’cause it’s CHRISTMAS! and it only comes once a year (that’s only 24 hours and I’ve already slept through a quarter of them)……. People to see and a recording to do (don’t ask, but if you read the post just before this you’ll know)…….. Busy but enjoyable……. I hope you have the same or better and to all a “HAPPY MICHAELMAS” because “Christmas time is here again” (two quotes from The Beatles off their fan club records……. Enjoy the day with you and yours…….

2 Responses to “Christmas Day…”

  1. #1 by Randalf the Grey

    WAR IS OVER IF YOU WANT IT. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
    Well, MR, not only did we see a lot of the same concerts, but we seem to be synchronized
    in other ways as well. We awoke at about the same time this morning, even though I’m on
    MST. I couldn’t get back to sleep because I couldn’t stop thinking about a problem that
    I’m having concerning a loved one, so I fired up the old HPpc to take my mind off of it.
    The holiday is nothing special for me any more, not being a believer and all, except that
    it’s a great excuse for families to gather, and that certainly is special. Everyone, please,
    love each other as if there is no tomorrow.

  2. This is J.J. speakin with his voice(xmas record’66) Here’s wishin’ all of yous the happiest of christmases and the greatest of new years. Life is too short to hate.

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