The Chicken or the Egg…..

Thought we could use a little humor, although, this could be the actual answer to that age-old question……. I heard this on a local radio station, so, even if you think it’s a somewhat off-color (or, shall we say, egg-colored) it must have passed the FCC censors……. Anyway, here it is:

The Chicken and the Egg are in bed together……. The Chicken is stretched-out, legs crossed, completely relaxed with it’s head on a big, fluffy pillow, smoking a cigarette…… The Egg is upright on the other side of the bed looking very peeved and tense….. The Egg turns to the Chicken and says disgustedly, “WELL, I guess that answers that question!“……..

3 Responses to “The Chicken or the Egg…..”

  1. Let me guess, Danny Williams ?

  2. No, it was actually on KRXO….. Some guy called it in….. I always thought it was the Chicken anyway….. I mean, after all, they are intelligent enough to fry steaks….

  3. Oh No! I get it. “Chicken fried steaks”

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