homeland security

I found this cool t-shirt in Santa Fe last week. I’m not an Apache, but a card-carrying Choctaw. Still, I sort of
identify with these four “dudes”. My people signed the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek and shuffled off to OK.
I guess Mississippi wasn’t worth fighting for. And as for the date, Columbus wasn’t even the first eurotrash to
“discover” a continent that already had about two million human inhabitants. And it has been proven
genetically that all “native americans” are descended from people who came from the northern islands of
Japan–long before old Chris was even a Hershey bar in his daddy’s back pocket. I think we should change
the name of Columbus Day, and move it to December 7th.

10 Responses to “TERRORISM”

  1. It’s a very befitting T-Shirt…… Being of German descent myself, I’m one of those “Eurotrash” descendants you mention, and I don’t deny it…. It was an invasion and occupation of a country, no ifs, ands, or buts…. Living in Oklahoma I’ve worked side-by-side with Indians, Blacks, Mexicans, and other minorities…. Some of my best friends are Indians, or descendants thereof, and they are the hardest working and proudest people I’ve ever met…. Unlike some of the other so-called minorities, they do not pursue a “free ride” from the government…. I guess I feel a little like those original “Native Americans” as I feel we are facing an invasion of Mexicans who want to further change this land into Mexico….. What goes around, comes around I guess…… Where can I get one of those T-shirts?……..

  2. I,m a Big Toe Indian myself. Gramps was legal. Lets take back this country and run Abramof out of town on a pole.

  3. Cool map. Caught some nice steelhead in that river. I think you missed the Great Jek Rift Valley though.

  4. #4 by Randalf the Grey

    I am more eurotrash than native, and neither proud nor ashamed to be either. I don’t think genetics has much to do
    with what kind of people we are. But make no mistake, whitey, as soon as we’ve finished building all of our casinos,
    we WILL take this country back–a nickel, a quarter, a dollar at a time.
    Suggested listening; Temporarily Humbolt County by The Firesign Theatre

  5. MR: I don’t think you can compare the increased Oklahoma Mexican population with what was done to the Native Americans way back when. Surely the Mexicans aren’t taking you from your home and forcing you to live in a dirt patch.

    Anon: Great What Valley? Rift. Swift. Snift. Snoot. Snout. Snot.

  6. Jek,

    That would be Rift…RIFT! Somatter, lost a little hearing, huh?

  7. No, Anon, the Mexicans aren’t taking my home, but I do stay in much more and the Oklahoma weather is forcing me to live in the same dirt patch that our Government sent the Indians to……

  8. Hey MR,

    That was Jek’s comment not mine. You know, Jek of the Rift Valley. I believe you have a greater knowledge of he than I….and more responsibility.

  9. Damn, I guess I need new specs…. It WASJek the Snake“!…. Sorry ’bout that, Anon, maybe it just sounded like it came from you….. (Ha-Ha)……

  10. Don’t mess with me MR. Don’t get my Big Toe all riled up!

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