Bricktown Blues & BBque Fest
Just thought I’d pass this on to fellow music enthusiasts on this blog. Next weekend-June 16& 17 is the annual Bricktown Blues & BBQ festival. Among the performers will be John Lee Hooker & Johnny Winter. If only I can “Stand the Weather”. Whaddya think, Stevie?
June 12th, 2006 at 12:05 am
Another group performing I don’t remember which day is the Bluescats a band that has worked with our band “The Stingrays on many occasions, Please go out and support one of OKC’s top blues bands, And tell the drummer that Jim sent you.
June 12th, 2006 at 10:20 am
Man, all or a sudden, my week-ends are overly full!… This past week-end there was a short-notice party I attended on Friday night and then J.J. fulfilled his promise to take me on a run in an eighteen wheeler, which we did Sunday to Dallas and back (a Post with pics will be forthcoming as soon as I go through the pics)…. Now, this Blues Festival pops up along with a car show in Wichita that I have made a semi-commitment to attend….. But, I will not miss John Lee and Johnny Winter!…. No way!…. It’s time to make a few calls and get a group of Blues/Rock nuts to make this gig….. Being the “Head-Nut”, I hate to admit I’ve not seen either of them in person….. “Shame, Shame, Shame”….
June 12th, 2006 at 3:18 pm
MR, I would have sworn you were with us when we saw Johnny Winter. Am I thinking of something else? Help, Jek!
June 12th, 2006 at 11:37 pm
Busted! MR was there. He’s probably seen JLH too and forgot!
June 13th, 2006 at 7:33 am
You two have have sucked in too much of that Northwestern air…. You’re going to have to prove your case on this one… When and where and was there another act with him?…. It’s not that I don’t believe you, but, I don’t….. If you can convince me, I’ll turn myself in peaceably for a rubber room….
June 13th, 2006 at 11:21 am
I don’t remember the details, but the show was at In Cahoots around 1992/1993 (?).
June 13th, 2006 at 11:51 am
Good thinking HS. It could have been 1991 too and probably not 1993. Through a quick search, I found that he was in Philadelphia on Dec. 21, 1991 – likely on the same tour. Why should we have to prove it anyway? Don’t you have all of your ticket stubs? You should be able to prove it yourself.
Speaking of seeing acts at In Cahoots, it appears that the original members of Asia are touring in September. Check it out! I hope they come to Seattle.
June 13th, 2006 at 2:15 pm
You are quite correct, Mr. Jek, I have every ticket to every concert, movie, exhibition, etc. that I have attended since 1972, and quite a few that I bought tickets to and then didn’t make it for some reason or another…. I just went through my complete ticket collection and I have three different tickets for concerts at In Cahoots:

As you can see the Asia one is unused….. As a matter of fact, I have two of the Asia tickets…. I wonder if they would let me use them on their latest tour?….
By the way, you will notice that there is no Johnny Winter ticket…. Ah, so young and your memories are already going….. So sad…..
June 13th, 2006 at 10:53 pm
I’m pretty sure he opened for Steppenwolf, as I’m certain I wouldn’t have gone just for Johnny Winter back then. Opening for Kansas is out, since HS remembers having seen him and unfortunately couldn’t go to the Kansas concert.
My Asia ticket is also untorn.
I believe two minds win over your one mind, even without proof.
June 13th, 2006 at 11:14 pm
“Unfortunately couldn’t go” is code for “The bastardos wouldn’t let me in.”
June 14th, 2006 at 11:45 am
Yeah, that was pretty lame.
June 14th, 2006 at 1:23 pm
I’m sorry, but there is no way (in Hell or otherwise) that Johnny Winter would have opened for Steppenwolf…. At that time Johnny Winter was as big an act, if not bigger, than Steppenwolf since John Kay and maybe one other of the original members played that night…. They didn’t even have a bass player, or do you not remember that?…. And, at a ticket price of only $5.00 in the early ’90’s, in a small club like In Cahoots, I don’t think so?….. You two must have seen him at some concert or festival that I didn’t attend…. Are you sure you didn’t see him in Seattle at some concert or that big yearly festival – Bumbershoot – Boomershot, whatever it is?… HS, did you ever get to see Kansas?…..
June 14th, 2006 at 2:07 pm
I’m pretty sure that Steppenwolf and JW were different shows. But I’m reasonably sure I saw JW at In Cahoots.
I did end up seeing Kansas several years later at the Ballard Firehouse.
June 15th, 2006 at 1:38 am
I saw Kansas do a good show at the Myriad in the late 70s. And I have in my collection their Device Voice Drum dvd. It features
all of the original members except Kerry Livgren. Steve Walsh pulls off the keyboard work pretty well, thanks to turn-of-the-
century synth power. Steve now looks a lot like Johnny Carson with rock-n-roll hair.
June 15th, 2006 at 1:44 am
Oh yes, Billy Greer wasn’t Kansas’ original bassist, but he’s good enough.
June 15th, 2006 at 10:05 am
Well regardless of who opened for whom, all three of us (HS, MR, and myself) saw Johnny Winter in OK. Since MR has completely forgotten, the BBQ Fest might as well be the first time. “Feels Like the First Time” — just sticking with our Kansas theme there. JW was pretty skinny in the early 90s; I wonder if he’s shriveled up to nothing these days. Someone needs to report in.
And yes, I recall Steppenwolf not having a bass player. It turns out that that is not completely true. This Steppenwolf site lists Michael Wilk as both the keyboardist and bassist. So the bass player was there, he just wasn’t playing a bass guitar.
June 15th, 2006 at 10:43 am
Dear jek, “Feels Like the First Time” was a Foreigner tune, not Kansas. You probably knew that, huh? Although, I guess guess Foreigner would fit in with the Kansas theme time line.
June 15th, 2006 at 11:15 am
It certainly was “Urgent” that Jek’s boo-boo be pointed out promptly, Sunn!
I vividly remember the lame-o keyboard bass.
June 15th, 2006 at 12:32 pm
True, Jek, there was a bass line being played during the Steppenwolf gig, but, as you say, it wasn’t a bass guitar, and I remember HS (an excellent bass player himself) not being happy at all…. I must admit it was “Lame-O”…..
June 15th, 2006 at 1:41 pm
MR, maybe Steppenwolf opened for Johnny Winter and you were too far gone by the time Johnny took the stage? Or was jek too far gone to know who played? “You can’t hide those Lyin’ Eyes”.
I would also have been disappointed (as was HS) if there was no true bass guitar. There’s nothing like the real thing, baby……..Nothing like the real thing.
June 15th, 2006 at 2:22 pm
Well, I won’t be seeing John Lee Hooker after all…. He passed away in 2001 (1917-2001)….. This is his son – John Lee Hooker, Jr., but from the research I’ve done, he’s definitely his father’s son in the talent department….. Also, if you’re interested in the details on the fest…. Here they are…..
June 15th, 2006 at 4:11 pm
Goodness. I had a twinge in my bones when typing in that comment on the way out the door this morning, though I did say Kansas theme.
I agree: no Steppenwolf bass guitar == lame-o.
June 18th, 2006 at 10:05 pm
WELL ? How was the B’town Blues & BBQ Fest ?