I Want To Be “Elected” (Part 2)…..

Well, it’s been 17 days since I made my political bid Post and the results were disappointing to say the least…. Out of 14 registered users, I received answers to my poll concerning voting from only 4 users, that’s less than 30%, but I guess that’s about par for most elections in this country, if not a little better….. Of course, this just means 4 out of 14 vote, it doesn’t mean they would vote for me and Anon uses bones and chicken parts to determine who he votes for (he should use the face – Chicken Face – it works better)…… So, I’ve concluded, if you want to win an election, you have to have lots of friends (real or bought) who will go and vote for you combined with lots of money to be able to go around to all the old folks homes, pick-up and transport all of the registered voters at each home, give ’em a few bucks and meal to vote for you, and take ’em back to the home….. You could also hit the homeless shelters, but it’s harder to find registered voters….. Once you’ve won a few minor elections using this method, you will have name recognition and voters you don’t even know will vote for you because they think you’re experienced and a good guy…… I guess it boils down to “Honesty in Politics” does not exist, so I withdraw my candidacy for Prez and I’m just “Waitin’ for the Bus” at the old folks home to go vote…..

2 Responses to “I Want To Be “Elected” (Part 2)…..”

  1. That is just what the two major parties count on, that the wishy washy i don’t cares will just give up.

  2. Do I still get my 5 bucks?

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