E-QUIZ 14: Butterfly Kiss

Lets get serious after last week. This weeks question is…..WHAT IS A BUTTERFLY KISS? And lets keep it clean and


4 Responses to “E-QUIZ 14: Butterfly Kiss”

  1. Using the eyebrows to give a fluttering effect “kiss”. My wife used that term & technique years ago. Notice, the years ago? Can’t recall the last time. Oh well, I’m still married to the same woman after all these years. That must tell you something.
    What, I don’t know.
    Sorry, for getting way off topic last week.

  2. YES….Correct…….5 points to Sunn. And he kept it clean.

    Off topic? Have we been on topic that much?

  3. Wait a minute. Thats incorrect. It must have been some time ago. Should be EYELASHES. I’ll assume you misspoke and give you the 5.

  4. Thanks, anon. Yes it has been a long time & yes I meant eyelashes.

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