E-QUIZ 23: Eight States

What are the names of the eight states which retain the Indian names of their chief rivers? One

point for each state.

17 Responses to “E-QUIZ 23: Eight States”

  1. #1 by Randalf the Grey


  2. #2 by Randalf the Grey

    Whoops ! Make one of those Arkansas entries Kansas

  3. #3 by huskysooner

    As you no doubt know by living there, “Colorado” is Spanish — synonym for red. Or is the Colorado river not the chief river of Colorado?

  4. Wisconsin (though modified a bit)

  5. RtG, One point each for

    Ohio, Mississippi, Arkansa, Missouri

  6. #6 by Randalf the Grey


    Thanks, h-s. I did know that Colorado was a spanish word, but just wasn’t thinking too clearly at 1 am. I used to think that geography was a subject I knew pretty well, but obviously not.

    anon, is Tennessee not a native american word, or is the Mississippi
    River considered the chief river of Tenn. ?

  7. RtG,

    One point each for:

    Illinois, Alabama, Wisconsin.

    Tennessee??????? Is it an Indian name, is there a Tennessee River, is the Mississippi River it’s chief river????? I leave these questions up to the experts. Tennessee not listed as one of the states.

    After watching point accumulation I have DECIDED that this round of the quiz will end at 50 points. In first place is Randalf The Grey with 39.5 points. In second is HuskySooner with 25. And then JJ with 22. MR is bring up the rear with a lot of negative points.

  8. #8 by huskysooner

    You are too kind, anon, but I don’t think I deserve any points this time ’round.

  9. Since I’m in the back of the bus as far as points go anyhow, How about Oklahoma?….. It’s “Chief” (I caught your Indian reference, Anon) river is the North Canadian, which they just recently re-named the part of it that runs through Oklahoma City, the “Oklahoma” river….. Tell me Oklahoma is not a Native American Indian name!….. I can’t help it if they re-named the river after the state……

  10. MR, No, Chief not mine. (I noticed that too) That is a quote right out of the big book.

    I got a question for you about posts. Seems some posts are coming in late. Check out Zook’s post which I just got today dated the 14th. If the date is right I will have to take away one point from RtG and give it to Zook ( sorry Zook for this mix up)

    Oklahoma River….I sure don’t know. You’d better do some research on that one before I give you any minus points.

    HuskySooner, How come you don’t deserve any points? do I detect a hint of guilt? Been cheating again?????? Huh? Otherwise you keep the points. This is a fair game.

  11. #11 by Randalf the Grey

    anon, I’m having some serious doubts about your source on this river question. Does the source give a precise definition of a “chief river” ?
    If the Canadian is the chief river of Oklahoma, then MR makes a good point about the re-named section. Also, Tennessee is a name of Cherokee origin, and the Tennessee River meanders all over that state and is also the Ohio River’s largest tributary. I guess a case could be made for Iowa and Minnesota, again, depending on what constitutes a chief river.

  12. RtG,

    I have doubts too. No definition of chief river which I take to mean major river. My source, THE BIG BOOK, is full of esoteric stuff that you couldn’t find anywhere else but was written in 1910. I have to edit quizzes for time factor. Remember “Groaning Malt”. That was out of the “Way Back Machine”. So, in the end, with a little help from my friends, I am the DECIDER.

  13. After much soul searching, I will give one point to anyone who can document that a state was named “after” it’s major Indian named river. In the case of the Oklahoma River it seems as though the river was named after the state and only a section at that. Because it was such a small section, even though Oklahoma is an Indian name, I am inclined to only give MRambler .5 of a minus point. This seems more than fair.

  14. That comment warranted only half a negative point?…. I guess I’ll have to get more creative on your next quiz……

  15. Only because it was such a small section of river.

  16. THE ONLY STATE NOT MENTIONED WAS KENTUCKY….which was spelled Kentky in the Big Book.

  17. Regarding Comment #10: Zook is a new user. New users must have their first comment approved before automatic approval. The original date and time are preserved, so he does deserve the point. Future Zook postings are now unencumbered. Welcome Zook!

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