To those of you who follow the Educational quizzes:

Last night while enjoying our gracious hospitality, Jek snooped through Quiz Central and uncovered the Big Book, the source for all quizzes.

This gives Jek an unfair advantage and I’m asking what you think should be done. Hanging is too good. Tar and feathers come to mind but I leave it up to you to decide his fate.

13 Responses to “ATTENTION!”

  1. Did he just discover it, or was he caught red-handed in the mist of reading it?……

  2. Red-handed in the mist…..reading and memorizing.

    Maybe we should anoint him “KEEPER OF THE SECRET” and “AUXILIARY QUIZ MASTER”…..that way when I’m unable to preform my duties Jek can step in and take over. Promote him. I think that’s the way it’s done at the corporate level.

  3. #3 by Randalf the Grey


  4. First you promote him and then it’s the GUILLOTINE!…..

  5. Man, can’t leave this blog for a few days without being attacked! Now I’d like you to picture this: Anon’s ancient computer sitting on a desk in a small room. I crank the machine to get it working — to apply patches and other typical maintenance duties — and what is right next to it? A big ol dusty book. Who can resist looking through a big book? Let me tell you, in the 2 minutes before I was “caught”, I found nothing useful in that book. I don’t know how anyone finds anything in that book. Too many words, too many small words… I suspect Anon just opens a page at random, points at a paragraph and makes that a quiz.

  6. Jek,

    Well, yes, that’s exactly how I pick the quizzes. The point is you now know the secret source. I can only see two ways of resolving this. So, I anoint you “KEEPER OF THE SECRET” and “DEPUTY QUIZ MISTER” with all accompanying responsibilities and prohibitions. I have DECIDED.

  7. What if I don’t want all that responsibility? Can’t I just go back to being a normal person?

  8. I HAVE DECIDED! When carrying out you official responsibilities you will be addressed as MISTER DEPUTY. Outside of a certain amount of respect that goes with the office, your title is the only perk.

  9. Is this an offer I can’t refuse?

  10. As I see it, there are only two ways to insure you silence…..a promotion or Little Guido. (He’s not really little)

  11. The Perfect Punishment for Jek is a follows. And this a tried and true method, In the Paul McCartney song “Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey” which can be found on: Ram
    Wings Greatest
    All the best
    There is a line about 1/2 way where it says “Hands Across the Water” Followed by a very high pitched “WATER” That Is Jek’s kryptonite. Make Him sit and Listen to that repeatedly While looking at a photo of the Chapettes.

  12. J.J.,

    Thanks for the tip. I’ll put it on his answering machine for the next month.


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