E-QUIZ 29: ….Cow, Humble….

What is a Humble

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Cow? (I’m sure this is not from Texas or Oklahoma)

5 Responses to “E-QUIZ 29: ….Cow, Humble….”

  1. #1 by Randalf the Grey

    I think we’re talking about a cow with no horns, but I hope we’re also talking about Bevo after the Red River War in the Cotton Bowl on October 7.

  2. AND STILL THE UNDEFEATED CHAMPION…….SECOND ROUND WINNER…….Randalf The Gray……for the correct answer…..A humble cow is a cow without horns. (I don’t know about that Bevo stuff. Not in the BIG BOOK)

  3. …..And I thought it was cow who ate humble pie…..

  4. Or do you mean a “humble cow pie”? Couldn’t resist.

  5. Surely, a cow pie is a humble thing.

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