ROUND II: E-QUIZ 5…………Lion's Tooth

What plant corresponds to the French phrase “lion’s tooth”?

AND, What

is the nickname for Mississippians?

3 Responses to “ROUND II: E-QUIZ 5…………Lion's Tooth”

  1. “Venus Fly-Trap”?….. It’s a guess…… I would say “Mudheads” or “Mudhens” for the Mississippians…. I wonder if they get charged extra for all those “i” ‘s and “s” ‘s….. What’s the history on the name “Mississippi” anyway?……

  2. Not Venus Fly-Trap, not Mudheads, (kinda close in a way though), not Mudhens.

    I believe that Mississippi is an comes from an Indian word meaning ????

  3. The nickname for Mississippians is “”Tadpoles”.

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