Taj Mahal Trio…..

…Still alive and well….. Taj does a week or so every Thanksgiving at The Jazz Alley in Seattle….. It’s become, what The Jazz Alley calls a “Thanksgiving Tradition”……. The last time we saw him in 2001 or 03 (not sure which year), he did a solo set , alternating between piano and guitar stuff….. It was great, but, in a trio setting, he really shines….. He hasn’t lost his voice or his licks….. He still does a lot of finger-picking and he has those huge Jimi Hendrix hands….. His thumb is longer than my index finger!…. No joke!……. If you don’t know who he is, then you’re not into Blues…… Been around since before Woodstock, which he played….. His original guitar player was Jesse Ed Davis from Oklahoma City….. You’ll also see Davis on The Bangla Desh Concert with George and the boys…… I’ll give Jek and Anon a chance to comment on him, the bassist, and the drummer…… If they don’t, then I’ll get back on and comment some more….. Great close to 2-hour show…..

One Response to “Taj Mahal Trio…..”

  1. My comment?…………….Taj gives me dancen feet. Got to love the ole fart….especially when he starts shaken his booty. Great evening.

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