What is the original

meaning of “Fancy Free” and it’s opposite “Fancy Sick”?

6 Responses to “EDUCATIONAL QUIZ………Fancy”

  1. Does “Foot Loose” go with that “Fancy Free”?….. That’s the way I’ve always heard it, “Foot loose and fancy free”….. Never really thought of it’s origin….. That’s a toughie….. I’ll give it some thought…..

  2. I guess they go together….sounds like it anyway.

  3. #3 by Randalf the Grey

    Fancy free means “without ties or commitments” or “single and loving it”. Fancy sick means “love-sick”. I don’t know if Willie the Shake coined these terms, but they were both used in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” circa 1590. The “foot-loose and fancy free” phrase came much later, but before Kevin Bacon was born.

  4. RtG seems to be in the know – again….. A walking, talking library!…. Maybe the opposite of “foot-loose and fancy free” is “foot NOT loose and fancy sick”…… You think?……

  5. OK Randalf. Close…..2.5 points. The BIG BOOK says: Fancy Free….not in love. Fancy Sick…

  6. Hey Randalf knows what’s in every book in every library in the woild.
    “You just like Kennedy man, you suppost’ to know everything. He said “I Does but I don’t know that” “

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