Why is it customary “To Kiss The Popes drugstore

Toe” and not his hand, as it once was.

5 Responses to “EDUCATIONAL QUIZ……….Toe”

  1. Well, I guess I won’t be meeting the Pope….. I don’t think I could bring myself to kiss an old man’s toe…… Maybe the change was the fear of germs and infection from kissing the hand…..

  2. This was Pre Purell days I’m guessing?

  3. Come on. Lets get serious. This is a serious question with a serious answer.

  4. #4 by Randalf the Grey

    As difficult as it is to be serious about this absurd ceremony, the most popular theory of it’s origins, according to a “historian” from the dark ages named Matthew of Westminster, is that Pope Leo in the 8th century was giving an audience to some believers when a woman not only kissed his right hand as was customary, but also pressed or squeezed it. Pope Leo is said to have then cut of his right hand to cleanse himself of spiritual contamination, and from that day on, offered only his foot. Modern theologians and historians deny that this ever really happened, although they don’t seem to know the true origins of the custom.
    Anon, is your “Big Book” in any way related to E. Cobham Brewer’s “Dictionary of Phrase and Fable” ?

  5. And another five points to Randalf for the absurd but serious answer.

    Origins of this doesn’t seem probable to me either. Maybe it has something to do with the washing of feet?????

    I’m sorry Randalf, I can neither confirm or deny your speculation about the Big Book. It is classified information on a need to know basis.

    For those that are keeping track, Randalf has streaked out with 37.5 points…..which would be fun for us all to see considering all the snow in his part of the world.

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