Survive the ice?

Just curious if MRambler made it through the ice with his computer intact.? Haven’t heard a peep or boo out of him here at MRC since the storm(s). Has anyone seen him? Should we form a search party?

6 Responses to “Survive the ice?”

  1. Was wondering the same thing.

  2. OH MR, Where fore art thou ?

  3. No search party needed….. Things other than the snow and rain have piled-up over the last two weeks or so….. Getting back on track though….. I have been checking the blog regularly and deleting spam, I just keep forgetting to throw my two cents in….. Promise to do better in the future…..

  4. #4 by Randalf the Grey

    You had us worried for a while there, MR.

  5. No worries here, Mate!…. I would be worried if I had to deal with all the snow you’ve got, RtG…… We’ve still got some of the ice and sleet from two and a half weeks ago around, and it seems as if we are on a weekly schedule for rain, sleet, ice, or snow…… Another one’s coming in tomorrow, BUT, I’m not complaining, after seeing what the rest of the country is getting…… Weird weather even for Oklahoma…….

  6. I experienced first hand what RTG is dealing with this last week Post to come.

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