EDUCATIONAL QUIZ (again) Taxes #2

OK, something a little harder. Peter The Great taxed what part of the human anatomy? A little decorum

in keeping with our high standards…please.

3 Responses to “EDUCATIONAL QUIZ (again) Taxes #2”

  1. #1 by Randalf the Grey

    He taxed beards. The more facial hair, the higher the tax rate. Old Pete wanted to change the perception that western Europeans were more civilized and genteel than Russians, who were looked upon as unkempt, outback hillbillies by their snooty western neighbors.

  2. OK Randalf, 5 points and that’s the quizez for this week . I cant keep up with you guys.

  3. OOPS! Randalf, that last 5 points puts you over the top. Another prize will be in the mail one of these days.


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