What is the common name for the mixture of

copper, zinc, and nickel?

8 Responses to “EDUCATIONAL QUIZZZ……..Alchemy”

  1. #13 Al Aluminum?

  2. Nope. Ouch!

  3. Two alloys come to mind….. Maybe it’s one or the other…… or not!…. The first would be tin as in tin can, and the second would be brass as in brass monkey…. Both have been around a long time….

  4. Nope. No brass monkey no matter how cold. Not tin either.

    Hint: It might help to think of what color you would get if you mixed all that stuff together. Might help.

  5. nickel silver? The thing that’s used for electroplating?

  6. Yes, that’s the stuff but not the common name I was after. But still, 2.5 points.

  7. #7 by Randalf the Grey

    German silver ?

  8. Just under the wire. “Participant” Randalf correctly, for five points, answers with “German Silver”, also know as “White Copper”. Some of us watch “Antiques Road Show”.

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