The Magic Of Making Up – Get Your Ex Back


The Magic Of Making Up – Get Your Ex Back

6 Responses to “EDUCATIOAL QUIZ……….Roman Guard”

  1. Tarn sez pits of crocodiles. I have no clue.

  2. Tell Tarn nope, not crocs.

  3. #3 by Randalf the Grey

    Neopolitan Mastiff ?

  4. Would you believe Woolly Mammoths?

    Actually it was geese. If you have ever been attacked by a phalanx of geese you know why. Noisy buggers set up a racket at the approach of intruders.

    I suppose they used dogs to but geese is the correct answer and a better answer.

    Here is your chance to tell your favorite goose story.

  5. So does that mean you get points?

  6. Many, many points.

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