
Blossoms” would describe what medical condition?

6 Responses to “EDUCATIONAL QUIZZZ………Medical”

  1. I would take a guess at small pox or measles…. Maybe even chicken pox….. I know that’s three guesses, so I’ll put chicken pox at the top….. Of course, it could be some kinda frog flower disease that makes you groggy…..

  2. None of the above…….try again.

  3. #3 by Randalf the Grey

    A carbuncle ( pimple ) and/or a red nose caused by excessive alcohol consumption.

  4. RG, I guess you went to the medical books for your answer. The Big Book says “Blotches on the face that are the produced by over-indulgence of grog”. Couldn’t have been a simpler answer. Don’t know about carbuncles, beyond my medical expertise,but will give you 5 for “red nose” which must qualify.

    I detect a pattern of waiting until the last moment to submit your quiz answers. Either my quizzzes are more difficult or you are giving fellow contestants extra time for research.

  5. #5 by Randalf the Grey

    Yeah, I’ve been waiting to see if anyone else is going to come out and play, but I’m too obsessive-compulsive to let a question go unanswered.

  6. Was wondering where everyone was myself. Education and edification is so important.

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