EDUCATIONAL QUIZ………Another way of saying it

Another way of saying “He is soft as a noodle” would

be “He is ____ _____ “

14 Responses to “EDUCATIONAL QUIZ………Another way of saying it”

  1. I got a couple for you….. “He is a pushover” and “He is soft as a marshmallow”…..

  2. Both very good answers and clean but, I’m going to keep quiet until the end of the week. Keep those answers coming.

  3. O.K., then, on the sexual side, “He is impotent”….. I think that is the correct word….. “Of no use to his wife” is another way to put it (I won’t touch that one)…..

  4. Still keeping mum.

  5. “He is as limp as a sock on a line.”

  6. #6 by Randalf the Grey

    Are you really looking for a euphemism, or simply the word “flaccid”.

  7. RtG, I had to go to the dictionary to make sure what euphemizzm means…surprising. What I’m looking for is a “substitute expression”. Dictionary says a euph is “the substation of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend” which is not the case in this case, just a substitute expression. Nothing offensive in keeping with the high standards here at MR Central. This is right out of the Big Book. Those who have offered off-colored answers……..well.

  8. That should read “the substitution of an agreeable etc.”

  9. Al Dente As in cooking pasta ?

  10. J.J., You’ve got the right idea and the closest so far.

  11. Wet Macaroni ?

  12. Everyone gets 5 points with the exception of J.J. who gets 6 points for being the closest, and MR who has the choice of either -5 points or + points, his decision. From the Big Book…….” ‘He is only half baked.’ He is soft as a noodle. The allusion is to bread, pie crust, etc., only half cooked.” Half baked is the correct answer. Please, no groans.

  13. This is why I bow to you and the big book as the Quiz masters. You trivia buff you.

  14. Thanks, we try harder.

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