EDUCATIONAL QUIZ………Gulliver's Travels

What was disagreement

between the Little-endians and the Big-endians that led to the war between the Lilliputians and the Blefuscudians?

3 Responses to “EDUCATIONAL QUIZ………Gulliver's Travels”

  1. #1 by huskysooner

    The disagreement was whether boiled eggs should be peeled from the big end or from the small end.

    I’ve never read Gulliver’s Travels but know about this because big- and little-endian refers also to byte ordering in microprocessors, with big endian having bit significance decrease with increasing memory address (i.e. most significant bit first) and little endian having bit significance increase with memory location.

  2. Jumped on it again. You must really want that bag of Tim’s.

    From the Big Book:

    “The two great empires of Lilliput and Blefuscu waged a destructive war against each other, exhausted their treasuries, and decimated their subjects on their different views of interpreting this vital direction contained in the 54th chapter of the Blundecral (Koran): ‘All true believers break their eggs at the convenient end.’ ”

    The emperor of Lilliput cut his finger while breaking his egg on the big end and decreed that all faithful subjects were to break their eggs on the small end on pains and penalties of great severity.

    “The orthodox Blefuscudians deemed it their duty to resent this innovation and declared a war of extermination against the heretical Lilliputians. Many hundreds of large treaties were published on both sides, but those of a contrary opinion were put in the Index Expurgato’rius of the opposite empire.”

    An extra thanks for the info on bite ordering. That’s smoked to plain isn’t it?

  3. Should read ” hundreds of large treatises”.

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