Happy Anniversary

Do you realize that this the 25th anniversary of absolutely nothing happening at this present moment.

5 Responses to “Happy Anniversary”

  1. While you’re celebrating nothing, you should have plenty of time to write your next week’s music quiz, J-Do!…….

  2. *sigh* I’m horrible about remembering dates. Sorry I didn’t get you a card or anything. I seriously thought it was next weekend. I had a whole day of absolutely nothing planned.

  3. Also this the first time in the history of the world that this exact moment ever happened, Whoops there it goes. Aint that a broad stroke.

  4. J.J., you Goob…… I just got back from seeing the new “Die Hard” movie and during all the ads and previews before the feature, guess who’s 25th anniversary it is?…… You ready?…… We’ve had 25 years of “Diet Coke”…… So-o-o, pop open a six-pack and write your music quiz……. NOW, Kid!…….

  5. Diet Coke/Nothing Same difference. Actually I was writing it just now before I was so Rudely interrupted….

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