Music Trivia 07.08.07

This Dallas Texas pop star is the daughter of one of the Beatles greatest influences she also fronts a country band around the Texas music scene. Who is She? 4 points.

8 Responses to “Music Trivia 07.08.07”

  1. The Beatles biggest influence, well, according to John Lennon, was Elvis, but, I can’t “Imagine” it’s Priscilla……. That’s my guess anywho…..

  2. #2 by Randalf the Grey

    I think you meant to say Lisa Marie, MR, but I don’t know if she would qualify as a pop “star”.

  3. You’re right, Ms. P was Big E’s wife….. J.’s lookin’ for a country star, RtG….. Think maybe L&M is doin’ C&W at Texas A&M?…..

  4. You guys are way off, Where is all the people that were griping about some newer artists as the answer is a newer artist. BTW MR. I am not looking for a C&W artist I just said that she fronts a country band down in Texas. Her genre is Pop.

  5. Ok it’s 2320 CDT on Sat. Nite and no correct answers and nobody’s been here since my last post at 1439 CDT so: The answer I was looking fer.
    Norah Jones who is the daughter of Ravi Shankar. No Positive Points awarded.
    2 Negitive to MR for the wrong answer and 2 Negs for the really wrong answer, I mean really Priscilla, the daughter. I guess your quizzes are working on you as well.

  6. J., you know I live for negative points!….. Sometimes, you just have to get really creative to get them…… My question is: How can it be a “Country Band” if the “Front Person” is singing Pop music?….. Answer me that, J-Boy!…….

  7. Aha! She has a side-project that is a country band. I didn’t realize she was the daughter of Shankar.

  8. Yeah, that was interesting to me too, TTop….. I knew Ravi had some daughters, one of which conducted the Indian (East) band for the George Harrison Memorial Concert…… It was very impressive…..

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