Don’t Go Near the WATER!….

It looks as if Jek was “Used and Returned” and then forgotten!….. Don’t worry, we’ll be back soon to get you (sure we will)….. In the meantime, keep your children away….. “Jaws” was nothin’……

13 Responses to “Don’t Go Near the WATER!….”

  1. I think I saw this guy hanging around the docks looking for work on a boat.

  2. “Jek-Eye the Sailor Man”……

  3. He looks more used and abused.

  4. I’m thinking my head would scare many-a-kids away from the booth. Then no one would worry about them floating–or maybe that was the point. Hmm, I was going to ask for payment but now I’m confusing myself. It’s too late!

  5. jek, one word about your photo…………Aqualung!

  6. Youre right SUNN He does have that Ian Anderson look about him all he needs is a trench coat.

  7. War Child
    Dance the Days
    and Dance the Nights

  8. Would that trench coat need to be on his body or over his head?……

  9. #9 by Randalf the Grey

    Ah, Jello Truth. We’re LIVING IN THE PAST. It was A NEW DAY YESTERDAY, but by god it’s an old day now. LIFE’S A LONG SONG, but YOU’RE NEVER TOO OLD TO ROCK AND ROLL IF YOU’RE TOO YOUNG TO DIE. Sorry, just musing about OLD GHOSTS from the DARK AGES.

  10. I once wrote a complete letter using nothing but Jethro Tull song titles….. No extra and’s, to’s, no extra words of any kind and it made sense…… I think I used about 35 song titles…… I have that somewhere…… If I can find it, I’ll post it, it seemed pretty cool at the time……

  11. Yeah, that Jethro character came up with some cool lyrics & song titles, eh. BTW, which one’s Pink?

  12. #12 by Randalf the Grey

    I hope you can find that letter MR, sounds interesting.

  13. I promise to search until I’m “Cross-Eyed Mary”……

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