Music Trivia 07.29.07

Who would think One of the fathers of “Grunge” would jump on the James Bond Theme Bandwagon. Who is he? What groups was he in? What Movie? What song? 4 Points.

13 Responses to “Music Trivia 07.29.07”

  1. I think it was Chris Cornell of Soundgarden/Temple of the Dog in Casino Royale (the new one, which I actually thought was one of the best Bond movies). Don’t recall the song.

  2. #2 by huskysooner

    Dang. Beat me to it, though I don’t know the name of the song. IMO, Cornell is the best rock vocalist of the last 20 years. I miss Soundgarden, but the latest Audioslave album has a bit of a Deep Purple boogie vibe to it.

  3. J.J. you lost me there, pal. You have to take into account how many of us old cosmic rockers are out thers.

  4. #4 by huskysooner

    It’s a nice change of pace to give us whippersnappers a chance, though sheesh, grunge peaked almost 15 years ago!

  5. Wasn’t the name of the song something like “The Touch of the Golden Penis”? Can we say penis on this blog? I’m sure the MR Central censor team will call me up any minute.

  6. Rock, Punk, Grunge, Rap, Hip Hop. What’s the latest , whippersnapper?
    I think Punk is when I started contemplating getting off the bus.

  7. But I bet you didn’t, did you Sunn?….. There’s usually something worth listening to in any type of music…. At least, that’s my opinion, although, sometimes it’s very hard to find……

    The MR censor board does approve of medical terms, Jek…… Now, if you would have said “Dick”, we would have had to have voted on it…..

  8. I’m going early this week because Sat. Nite I am going to be EXTREMELY under the influence and unable to add, subtract. Much less type.
    TTop +3 for 3/4 of the right answer
    HS +1 for the other band name
    Jek -2 for being a smart ass
    MR – 4 for not mailing him to AbuDabi when he was young.
    TTop: I was not aware of “Temple of the Dog” Thanks for a new sound to look into.
    HS: I agree with you on the audioslave/Deep purple sound
    Here’s the whole answers I was looking fer.
    Chris Cornell
    Casino Royale
    You Know My Name
    I’m trying to keep it as equal as I can for old and young It is hard as I am not up on newer music as I am on the “oldies” But I am trying. I appreciate “Boot to the Head” every so often to remind me that I’m getting too old.

  9. I.O.U. One (1) “Boot to the Head”…… No expiration date…… Bar-code: BOZO1234……

  10. Thanx Mr. Canoe Head.

  11. You forgot the subtitle: “(Look Up Me Number)”.

  12. I haven’t heard the song, was it a remake of the Beatles?

  13. Nope. I mean, um, yes. It is a remake of The Beatles song: “You Know My Name (Look Up Me Number)”. How many points do I get?

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