What ever happened to…..?
Service and taking pride in doing a good job in this country. We went out to eat last night the restaurant did not have certain items ready that should have been, the cooks were playing grab A*@ in the back and the wait staff was having to make up excuses for them. They were apologising like crazy and I kept telling them “You don’t owe me an apology, the cooks that are not doing their jobs do” Which never came nor did any concern from the Manager either. I like most of you in my job if I do not do it right I get called on the carpet, wrote up, and get my birthday taken away, But it seems like in these other industries screwing up is not punished but the norm. Even in my industry, the other day I was chewed out because the shop did not do my Oil Change when it was due, but the mechanic who’s job it is skirted with no scars. I guess I just expect to much when I am paying my hard earned money for something, I expect it to be done right the first time. Maybe I was born 40 years too late Back in the day people took pride in treating customers with dignity and respect, back then “The customer was right” now we are “out of line” when we ask for our steak to be cooked correctly and our car to be fixed correctly the first time.
August 6th, 2007 at 2:42 pm
I’m going to have to go with the Reagan era on this. About the same time you didn’t have to pump your own gas. Reagan? Gas? whmmm.
August 7th, 2007 at 7:49 am
Face it J.J., the bulk of the “younger Generation” is an “I, Me, Mine” Generation….. I know there are exceptions to this and hopefully they will prevail….. ….And, of course, I am talking the under 20 Generation, which I don’t think we have any of in the MRambler Community at the present time…… Not to say that they are not welcome and it would be cool to hear someone’s opinion’s of the World in that age bracket…… It can’t be easy facing a World in such turmoil and have everyone you know only care about themselves…..
August 7th, 2007 at 10:29 am
J.J., I suggest that you simply don’t go to that restaurant again. I’m sure other customers will also do the same. Vote with your dollars. There are definitely people in that industry that take it seriously–at least around here there are. Without income, the restaurant owners will be forced to take notice.
August 7th, 2007 at 2:02 pm
Well said, Jek…… No Service, No Sale, No Customers……
August 8th, 2007 at 6:59 pm
Yes, jek. Sad but true. It just seemed to slowly get this way until it was suddendly a fact of life. It’s all about the mighty dollar, pound, euro, whatever. I can’t recall just waking up one day & it was this way.
Anyone have any thoughts when this mentality began? The younger members of this forum may not remember it being any other way?
August 11th, 2007 at 1:09 am
Jek: I must recpectfully disagree, Most partons will still go to that particular place because we as a nation have just accepted that such disservice is the norm not the exception nowdays. I’m sure that it is probably not as prevelent in the NW as it is here in the heartland. This mentality began when hard working experienced people could not afford to work for minimum wage anymore, leaving only inexperienced not caring workers to take their place.
August 11th, 2007 at 11:33 am
We are fortunate here; we are a restaurant town. Good and bad ones come and go all of the time. Fortunately most of the good ones survive. Also, I’m a fairly generous tipper (as we all should be), but when service sucks, so does the tip.
This sounds alot like how people view software these days. It is now acceptable to pay money for blatantly buggy software. Software should be of better quality and easier to use than it used to be, not worse!
August 11th, 2007 at 11:08 pm
I wasn’t aware that this was going on in the software industry. I do agree with you on the Tipping that is how I show my appreciation for good service.
August 12th, 2007 at 2:18 pm
No Burps, J.J.?…… (Ha-Ha)…… Remember, I’ve been out to eat with you……..
August 12th, 2007 at 9:58 pm
Jek: Do we have a smile for a raspberry, Please insert it here.
August 28th, 2007 at 8:52 pm
JJ: Do you mean a tongue-sticking-out icon? See comment #3 on this post for my complaints on the lack of this emoticon.