Music Trivia 08.12.07

Jack Norworth and Nora Bayes co-wrote Shine On, Harvest Moon. Norworth also co-wrote a song in 1908, with Albert Von Tilzer, that thousands of people sing every day in the United States for approximately six months out of the year. 4 Points

5 Responses to “Music Trivia 08.12.07”

  1. #1 by Randalf the Grey

    Actually, seven months out of the year if your team makes it to the World Series. C’mon Sunn, let’s sing it for Harry Carey…a-one, a-two, a-three…Take Me Out To The Ball Game…

  2. . In addition to co-writing Shine On, Harvest Moon, Jack Norworth also co-wrote Take Me Out to the Ball Game with Albert Von Tilzer. This song is sung during the seventh-inning stretch at just about every Major League Baseball game (and probably a lot of minor league and college games, as well). One of the songwriters (I think it was Norworth) got the idea for the song from a subway advertisement. He had never seen a baseball game, but wrote the song that has been associated with the game ever since.
    Well that puts RTG over 20 for this series and the winner again. Thanks to all for playing. I am going to award a runner up prize for this series since it has ended well before the end of the quarter. The next series I will award the winner as the one who has the most points at the end of the quarter, not just at 20. That series will start with the 9.02 quiz and run thru 12.30 after I will award the series winner and the year winner.
    Randalf, you want the same thing again or one of the other 2 awards this time?

  3. Old Harry Bear. Several years ago, sat in a seat in Wrigley Field about 100 feet from the broadcast booth. Could see him real well lifting up his beer during the 7th Inning stretch. Had a great Steak House too, ate their that night.

  4. That is among the list of things that I regret never being able to do see Harry do his broadcast.

  5. Randalf: It was good talking to you today, I will donate your prize to the year end prise fund. Look forward to seeing you soon.

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