MR’s De-Ed Points Update……
Since Anon has officially turned the quiz over to me, I guess I’ll go to a more traditional points system: One (1) Point = One (1) Point….. I hope this cutting edge formula isn’t too radical…… So-o-o, with this new One to One system, the current Points Standings are as follows:
Izard: Nineteen (19) Points
Jek: Sixteen (16) Points
J.J.: Fourteen (14) Points
RtG: Thirteen (13) Points
HS: Eleven (11) Points
Anon: Ten (10) Points
Sunn: Ten (10) Points
Robo: Four (4) Points
Zook: Four (4) Points
A new quiz will be up this week-end……
September 7th, 2007 at 2:13 pm
This week end??
You should leave yourself some time. :-]