THIS JUST IN…..from this mornings Seattle PI….. "Suit is filed to protect giant Palouse worm"

Amazing! As an old worm rancher, until I lost the ranch in a card game, I was surprised to find out

we have a giant worm right here in Eastern Wa. I’ve known about the really giant worms in Africa, 6 footers, but a giant worm right here in my own back yard, wow! Seems they are about to go extinct and need protection. Abundant in 1897, last seen in 2005. And get this, the giant Palouse earthworm is up to a yard long and is known to spit on attackers. Palouse is kind of desert country and I keep thinking of “Dune”. I’m an old worm noodler but I’m staying away from giant spitting worms.

14 Responses to “THIS JUST IN…..from this mornings Seattle PI….. "Suit is filed to protect giant Palouse worm"”

  1. I must admit that is one subject that I know absolutely nothing about. Worm Ranching, Is it a lucrative business?, Where can I research more about it?. I did see an article on the Natl. News about ChiCom Worms (not the Govt.) eating waste to help out with the landfills. Any connections?

  2. I’m getting a visual of JJ sitting on his back porch, a beer in one hand and a pokin’ stick in the other, herding his worms.

  3. Can it be put in a bottle of tequila?…….

  4. Why would you what to ruin a perfectly good worm by putting it in tequila?

  5. J.J.

    Punch up “worms” or maybe “red wigglers” and see what you get. If you don’t find anything let me know. ….also “worm farming”.

    Lucrative? For the guy selling worms to beginners,,,,maybe. I was selling worms for bait. There’s all types of worms and uses….little white ones for aquariums, others for bait, composting, and worm castings (poop) for the garden. And don’t forget selling to beginners.

    Don’t get sucked into buying worms. Red wigglers is the common worm in the business….also known as a manure worm. Go turn over a pile of manure or under a pile of old grass clippings. They travel in a pack. (watch out for carnivorous wolf worms)

    Native North American Night Crawlers cant be raised, as far as I know. ((they live 20 yrs) African Night Crawlers can be raised but they like to bolt…vertically up the side of walls.

    Little white aquarium worms can be raised in corn meal in a cigar box in the frig next to dinner.

    These helpful hints brought to you courtesy of Doc Boric’s Worm Ranch.
    You may address your worm questions directly to Doc Boric through MR Central.

  6. Wow, I didn’t know that there were so many varieties. Thank you for enlightening me to another of the earth’s creatures.

  7. The worm is your friend. If there were no worms, there would be no agriculture and no cranberries. They move and turn over tons of earth. Aristotle said that worms are the bowels of the earth. So, the next time it rains hard, and you see a worm struggling, help him/her out. And when you go fishing, say a little worm prayer before you put him/her on the hook. Learn to love the worm.

  8. Let me “worm” my way into this Post…… This is definitely “The whole worm, and, nothing but the worm definitive info story, Anon….. I can find no “wormholes” in your Post/Comments….. Good job….. I see you mentioned “cranberries” again….. Are you trying to “worm” the other One-Half (1/2) Point out of me?……..

  9. Cranberries are a national treasure. You might want to consider that when deciding about a half point.

    J.J. I would advise not drinking alcohol while herding worms. A worm stampede is an ugly thing. I wouldn’t want to see you hurt. Just relax and let the dogs do the work. That’s what those little things are bred for.

  10. Okay, Okay, Anon, I’ll give you the other One Half (1/2) Point, BUT, next time I’m in Seattle, you have to eat a pint of cranberries……

  11. Hope you are coming on Thanksgiving.

  12. He ought to give you a full point just for giving him a word that he could use every “Pun” in his arsenal with.

  13. He is a punster.

  14. CORRECTION: The 6ft worms in Africa are not in Africa. The are in Australia and they are 10ft.

    J.J., For worm in info google “Worm Digest”

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