DID YOU KNOW….I didn't think so…more points…."To Stretch A Point"


stretch a point”….To exceed what is strictly right.

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Points were tagged laces used in ancient dress:

viagra canadian pharmacy hence, to “truss a point,” to truss or tie the laces which held the breeches; to “stretch a point” is to stretch these laces, so as to adjust the dress to extra growth, or the temporary fulness of good feeding. At Whitsunstide these points or tags were given away by he churchwardens.

“Their points being broken, down fell their hose.” Shakespeare: Henry IV

Geometry or Physics?

4 Responses to “DID YOU KNOW….I didn't think so…more points…."To Stretch A Point"”

  1. Thanks to the inventor of elastic, much more user friendly. Especially to those of us who overindulge.

  2. J., I won’t make a comment on your comment….. Tempting as it may be…..

  3. Thanks for not making a comment about making a comment on my comment……

  4. Talk about stretching a point…

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