DID YOU KNOW……….Probably……..Shopping days until Christmas

You may have more time than you think. Christmas day was driven back to Dec. 25th from Jan. 6th by Julius I when he changed the calendar in 1752. Jan. 6th was Christmas day under the reformed calendar of Gregory XIII …reformed 1582.

Christmas Decorations: The great feast of Saturn was held in buy viagra December when people decorated the temples with such green things as they

could find. ” The Christian custom is the same transfered to Him who was born in Bethlehem on Christmas day.” The holly is known as Christ’s thorn in Germany and Scandinavia.

Christmas trees and Maypoles are remnants of the Scandinavian Ash called Yggdrasil, the Tree of Time whose roots penetrate to heaven, Niffheim and Ginnungagap

( the gap of gaps). In Ginnungagap the frost giants dwell. In Niffheim is the great serpent Niidhogg. Under the root of the Tree of Time is the home of the dead.

The Ancient Egyptians , at Winter Solstice, used a palm branch containing twelve leaves or shoots to symbolize the completion of the year. The modern custom comes from Germany.


2 Responses to “DID YOU KNOW……….Probably……..Shopping days until Christmas”

  1. #1 by Randalf the Grey

    Yeah, these upstart christian cultists are taking the Saturn out of Saturnalia.
    Have a joyous holiday season all the same.

  2. Well, Easter is the important Christian holiday anyway.

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