DID YOU KNOW……..I didn't think so………under "P"

“Precocious”; means ripened by the sun before it has attained full growth.

“Preposterous”; means “the cart before the horse.

“Profile”; means shown by a thread.

“Prose”; means straightforward speaking or writing, in opposition to foot-bound speaking or writing. viagra cheapest price (what the hell

is “foot-bound”?)

“Prussia”; means “near Russia”.

“Puff”; exaggerated praise.

“Pukwana”; (North American Indian) The curling smoke of the peace-pipe. A signal or

beacon. (really?)

From the BIG BOOK

5 Responses to “DID YOU KNOW……..I didn't think so………under "P"”

  1. In poetry, a foot is the rhythmic unit. E.g., most of the text in Shakespeare’s plays are in iambic pentameter, in which each line has five feet, and each foot is an iamb. An iamb is a weak beat followed by a strong.

    Funny: It’s the only place I know where a meter is made up of feet.

  2. MR, I think you should give zook an extra 10 points for solving the foot question.

  3. Anon, as much as I enjoyed Zook’s cleaning up the foot fog, I think the other quiz participants might get their iambic pentameters all out of whack if I cross-awarded points from your Post to my quiz……

  4. Points are unnecessary. The warm feeling that comes with finding a question I actually have and answer to is more than sufficient. 🙂

  5. Cool – a person who enjoys sharing knowledge for free…… Oh, yeah, Zook and Anon, there will be a new Quiz up in a few minutes and you will be awarded points for intelligence…..

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