The Bible, Bunnies, and Easter Eggs…..

How in the World did these totally un-related items become part of a clearly religious event?…… I haven’t the slightest idea, but, no matter, if you are observing Easter from the Religious viewpoint, a Wascally Wabbit fixation, or going on a Buwana Egg hunt, have a safe and enjoyable experience….. (I will find that darn Lucky Egg this year!)……

5 Responses to “The Bible, Bunnies, and Easter Eggs…..”

  1. I’m a Daffy Duck man myself.

  2. I am too…. I love “Mr. Greed” Daffy also…… …But, if it were ducks on Easter instead of rabbits everything would make more sense since ducks lay eggs….. That would tie two of the three together, and, I’m sure ducks lay eggs on “Good Friday” and “Easter”, so-o-o, that would tie all three together….. We can’t have that, No Sir, it’s Wabbits, Eggs, and The Bible….. …But, why not hunt the Wabbits instead of the Eggs….. Eggs don’t present too big of a challenge, other than they are real good at not moving and, therefore, hard to locate…..

  3. Ducks were made in His image I’m sure.

  4. Only because Daffy turned left at Albuquerque……

  5. Hope everyone had a happy and safe Easter, and, NO, I didn’t find that elusive Lucky Egg….. Maybe next year……

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