Hope and Inspiration

Amazing thing happened to me on my bike ride home today: I was stopped at a 4-way red light. A guy in a SUV heading perpendicular was having trouble starting his vehicle. (Apparently it just died.) As soon as my light turned green, I planned to help him. However within seconds a pedestrian across the street (with a Walk), a bike rider, and a guy at the bus stop all were helping push him out of traffic. There I was, Mr. Helpful, stuck on the other side of a red light. He was all taken care of before I could even contribute.

That episode makes me happy to live in Seattle, where people help each other. What community!

5 Responses to “Hope and Inspiration”

  1. …still trying to get there……………

  2. #2 by huskysooner

    So they calculated the carbon footprint of his SUV and helpfully pushed it into Elliot Bay, right?

  3. Ha! I did think of that afterwards, that it was funny that the people who helped were sympathetic to his plight regardless of vehicle–as I was. I know I’ve been in that situation long ago (not an SUV of course!) and it’s certainly not fun.

  4. Yeah, here you would have had to push it all by yourself while trying to dodge all the traffic….. The “Heartland” leaves a lot to be desired in “Heart” department……

  5. You know stories like this make me realise that there are still good people out there.

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