Hamlet, a Strange Brew

Tarn and I saw Hamlet last night put on by Seattle’s Shakespeare in the Park Company, GreenStage. (If you’re ever in Seattle and want some Shakespeare action, they do a great job!) One thing that I realized a while ago when seeing Hamlet in Ashland, was the 1983 comedy movie Strange Brew was losely based-on it. I of course forgot that until after seeing Hamlet again last night. I saw Strange Brew countless times in the 80’s, but haven’t seen it since this realization. Yeah yeah, I might have noticed this before had I not slept through Hamlet in high school. The shame!

7 Responses to “Hamlet, a Strange Brew”

  1. Funny…I just picked up Strange Brew on DVD a couple weeks ago. Guess I should watch it now, eh?

  2. #2 by huskysooner

    Hamlet is really, really good.

  3. Yeah, it’s a good one. Evidently they cut out some bits of our performance. It seemed just right though, so good job them.

    BTW, tons of everyday lines come from Hamlet, which I never remember until I see it. “Something’s rotten in Denmark” is an example. Also, Star Trek fans will recognize the Undiscovered Country bit in the “To Be or Not To Be” soliloquy.

  4. I remember going to one of the performances a few years ago…… As a matter of fact I still have the T-shirt….. It was a cool experience….. As my memory is failing, I don’t recall exactly what was performed, but, I do remember that Jek knew some of the actors and that was fun seeing the backstage set-up and talking to them….. Another reason for living in the Great North West……

  5. Iz: Take off eh! Too bad I’m not in OK, or I’d try and crash your pad and watch it.

    MR: The actor is MRC contributor ‘drs’ of Red Wine with Fish. Great guy!

  6. Jek: I take it you never went to any of the Willie the Half spun Shakes phere In the park in edmond. It’s definately a great way to spend an evening. And as for Strange Brew. Koo Roo KooKoo kaRookoo Take off Eh you Hoser. Lets all get some beers and Back Bacon and head to the Great White North.

  7. I would suggest that Strange Brew is more than loosely based on Hamlet. It’s actually an adaption. And a great one, too. Makes me want to sing O Canada.

    And, by the way, a little plug: I am stealing GreenStage’s concept and starting a similar company down here in Oregon wine country.

    Maybe we will have to do a production of Hamlet that takes place in Elsinore Winery.

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