DID YOU KNOW……I didn't think so. Wind Egg

Wind Egg. “An egg without a shell. Dr. Johnson’s notion that the wind egg does not contain

the principle of life is no more correct than the superstition that the hen that lays it was impregnated, like ‘Thracian mares,’ by the wind. The usual cause of such

eggs is that the hen is too fat.”

Thanks to the BIG BOOK for clearing that up.,

3 Responses to “DID YOU KNOW……I didn't think so. Wind Egg”

  1. Thats what I like about your threads, I learn something each time. I had never heard of an “Wind Egg” Before although My experience with poultry is limited to The Col’s secret recipe

  2. Me either. I’ve been waiting for someone who has raised chickens and has actually seen a “wind egg” to clue us in. Fat hens is not the answer. I may have to google.

  3. I got off my lazy butt and googled wind egg. For the answer to why a wind egg and many other egg oddities go to poultryhelp.com.

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