29 November 2008 was the last time we heard from our fearless (HA) Leader. I have scoured every noodling hole, Music Shop, and VFW post in the immediate area but alas, no luck. Now I did have dinner with a lookalike on new years day. But I cannot either confirm nor deny that it was the real MR. Now anybody with information to his whereabouts please contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Musicians. (You don’t suppose that he has been secretly drafted into the Obama Adminstration?)

4 Responses to “M.I.A. (AGAIN)”

  1. They seek him here
    They seek him there
    Those Frenchy seek him every were
    Is he in heaven
    Is he in hell
    That damn illusive MR

  2. Very eloquently put. I was thinking more like Cheech and Chong’s version of Searchin’.

  3. I stole it but thanks

  4. UPDATE: I met with a person who claimed to be the elusive MRambler on Thursday. We watched some movies. But I still am not convinced that it really is him, If He ever existed at all………, but this being had no profound quotes of wisdom so I’m still doubting his existence. I’m also beginning to wonder if “MRambler” isn’t just a alter ego made up by Jek. The real Technological head of our community. MR IF YOU EXIST PLEASE SPEAK TO US, WE AWAIT YOUR WORDS OF WISDOM

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