Please Explain?…..
I just glanced at my calendar and noticed that the 22nd day of April is a really big day!….. Not only is it “Earth Day”, it is “Administrative Professionals Day”!…… Is that like a “Temporary Secretary (Sir Paul) Day”?….. It just seems like a big name for a boring, thankless job….. Don’t get me wrong….. The World would not survive without tons of processed paperwork, but, if we have a special day for secretaries, why not have a “Sanitation Engineers Day” for our hard working garbage men, or a “Inclement Weather Protection Specialist Day” for all those roofers out there?….. Where does it end?……
Are secretaries on the same level of importance as Mother Earth?….. Maybe – but, why on the same day?….. There’s at least a couple of hundred others days left that honor no one…… In the Army we called ’em clerks, and, they seemed to be able to screw-up a soldier’s records, supply, R and R requests, and orders in more ways than you can count…… Usually small stuff in the grand order of things, but, very, very important to a lonely soul twelve thousand miles from home stuck in the armpit of the Universe….. They became known as REMF’s when I was in…… If you want to know what that stands for, just ask any Vietnam Vet…… It took ten REMF’s to support just one combat grunt in the bush…. They never got it entirely right, but, they did manage, at least, to get us enough “beans and bullets” to survive……