DID YOU KNOW…….I didn't think so

During this slow down in blogging…….playing for fun cause we don’t have any money……What word is derived from a Sardinian plant said to bring on convulsions resembling laughter. Word of

honor, no Googling.

natural alternative xenical

7 Responses to “DID YOU KNOW…….I didn't think so”

  1. I’m going to guess “hysteria.” No, actually, I think that has a different derivation, hmm…. Cackle?

  2. Nope.

  3. Is it illegal, immoral or fattening?

  4. Neither illegal, immoral. or fattening. No fun, huh? This is a hard one. I found it in an old college dictionary. A clue is probably in order. The dictionary never named the plant. Concentrate on the place.

  5. Sardonic, bitterly ironical;,sarcastic; sneering: a sardonic grin. Sardinian, for earlier sardanios, bitter, scornful, from the notion of a Sardinian plant said to bring on convulsions resembling laughter.

    Hysteria was a near miss.

  6. I think I saw a movie one time about that plant
    “Reefer Madness”

  7. Were they inhaling? I may have seen that movie…teenagers enticed by the devil weed.

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