Talk about the Weather……
If you don’t have all your thought’s together, you can always talk about the weather…… It appears to be getting weirder and weirder by the minute….. All of Oklahoma’s tornadoes and storms we usually get this time of year seem to be hammering Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, and points to the Northeast….. It seems the jet stream is staying lower than usual this year….. I even heard that Seattle has went 27 days straight WITHOUT RAIN!….. That’s unusual to say the least…..
I wonder if this downward (maybe changing is a better word for it) weather spiral is going to continue or level out at some point?….. Have we damaged the planet enough to cause an irreparable cycle of major unpredictable weather changes that will continue to just get worse and worse?…..
I’m moving MR Headquarters into Prairie Dog Bob’s underground bunker and wait for it all to blow over if possible…… It’s all just “Blowin’ in the Wind” (Robert Zimmerman aka Bob Dylan)…..
June 16th, 2009 at 5:04 pm
I can verify the lack of rain here in Seattle. My tomatoes are looking great. To anyone other than you it’s been raining and pissing……”cool, clear water”….Riders of The Purple Sage.
June 17th, 2009 at 4:59 pm
The “Dog Days” (no offense PDB), have made an early entrance here in OK.
June 17th, 2009 at 5:27 pm
You can say that again, Sunn, according to the local weather broadcasts, we are almost 10 degrees warmer (a little less in the daytime) than the average temperatures for this time of year….. We’re also coming up short on rain, which worries me more than the excessive temperatures….. We had more than we needed of runaway wildfires last year….. “Fire on the Mountain – Lightning in the Air” (Marshall Tucker Band)….
PD Bob is lovin’ it…… He’s kickin’ back in a beach chair with a tall spiked lemonade, sunglasses, and my iPod….. He’s the definition of “Dog Days”……