Woodstock + 40……

It just doesn’t feel like it’s been 40 years……. I missed it in ’69 – not because of funds, transportation, or time, but, because of the non-existence of good rock stations in Oklahoma at the time…… I found out about it after the fact….. I’m not sure if I would have went being so far away, but, still I didn’t get the opportunity to decide one way or the other….. If Woodstock occurred today, I wouldn’t make it due to lack of funds and transportation thanks to our wonderful economy….. Times have changed severely over the past 40 years and most of it not for the better……

The other big concert that our poor rock radio in Oklahoma caused me to miss was Jimi Hendrix at OU in May of 1970….. Again, I heard about it after the fact….. Hendrix died in September of 1970….. So much for Oklahoma rock radio – yecch!……

4 Responses to “Woodstock + 40……”

  1. I haven’t listened to an Oklahoma rock station in at least 20 years. I listened to a jazz station for a few years in the 90’s. Of course it only lasted a couple of years. Was replaced with another country station. Go figure.
    I have read they are releasing a 8 CD box set of Woodstock
    that sounds pretty interesting. The initial release will have a fringe leather type box.

  2. One version of the release has a tambourine, lots of other extras, and comes in a leather fringed cylinder about 6″ in diameter and about 8″ to 10″ tall….. It retails around $60 or so….. Has lots of the missing groups on the original Woodstock release…..

    …And, I just remembered, I bought a new RoadRunner in ’69 with the latest in music playback – a factory 8-track/AM/FM radio…… That might have been the reason I wasn’t listening to too much radio, but, Oklahoma Rock radio still sucks to this day…..

  3. Amen on Terrestrial Radio in OKC. Sirius Satellite had a channel on the weekend of the anniversary and played the box set from beginning to end in as close of order that it actually happened. Pretty COOL It contains if not all then most of the stage announcements made by Wavy Gravy and Chip Monick, The only performances still missing are The Band which will still not licence them to be released,(Come on Robbie/Levon) It will be worth the price when released. I must admit that it was extreemly Cool waking up Sunday Morning in Arizona and flipping on the Sat. and hearing the 1st thing Jimi playing the Star Spangled Banner. Everyone at the truckstop was looking at me like I was crazy when I put the Vol. on oh my god! and opened both doors.

  4. Is anybody saving up for 9-9?

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