News Flash, Bob Dylan nominated for Nobel Prize for literature.


5 Responses to “News Flash, Bob Dylan nominated for Nobel Prize for literature.”

  1. I can see that one “Blowin’ in the Wind”….. Although, a lot of his songs are book length in the lyrics department…… Whether they qualify as literature, I’m not really sure……

  2. I also read the other day, he will be doing voice overs for GPS units. That should be quite interesting. Who could have imagined?

  3. Everyone needs a GPS with a nasal problem and directions that rhyme…. (in Bob Dylan’s voice) – “Yeah-h-h, just take a right-t-t, Then drive all along the WATCHtower to the light-t-t-t….. Keep co-o-ol and take a left then-n-n, or you’ll-l-la be out-ta here all night-t-t-t”

  4. What would you get if you made a wrong turn?

  5. Oh, mama. Could this really be the end? Stuck in Mobile again.

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