
Okie from Muskogee, er, Yukon/Stillwater

Garth Brooks has great news for all his friends in low places: Thursday Garth announced he’s coming out of retirement once again!

The Country music superstar has been retired since 2000, popping up only on rare occasions for small music events. but in a press conference in Nashville Brooks said he was coming back full steam as a recording artist. His spokespeople said he is not planning a full concert tour, so it remains to be seen if coming out retirement just means a new album and maybe a smaller number of shows. Whatever Garth Brooks does, .we look forward to seeing it!

UPDATE: More info is coming out, and it looks like Garth Brooks will be taking up a residency in Las Vegas for an extended run of concerts there. The report is he will do a 16-week concert run at the Wynn Casino in Las Vegas.

SECOND UPDATE: Okay here’s the full official scoop, from Garth Brooks’ second press conference Thursday afternoon: Garth brooks is coming out of retirement for a 5 year run of concerts at the Encore Theater in Las Vegas’s Wynn Casino. They will be weekend-only shows, and only for 15 weekends out of each year, so Garth can still spend time with his family. The concert tickets will be $125. so there you have i

7 Responses to “AARRG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  1. So if I stay out of Los Vegas and I don’t watch TV and I stay out of Wal Mart then I don’t have to listen to old r&b songs sung buy a country hick. Cool maybe I can live with that.

  2. Just like the proverbial bad penny. You know the problem with Andy Warhol’s quote is some people don’t deserve 14.99 minutes of the 15 Garth, Me thinks you have overstayed your welcome. By about 10 years.

  3. J.J. are you saying that G.B. is only 10 years old?

  4. Just what the world needs is more twang-ass country music. Freakin’ hell.

  5. There are many talented musicians from Oklahoma. For some reason the only ones we are known for are the Garth Brooks, Toby Keith, etc. crap. I don’t know if Oklahoma can ever overcome this musical? reputation.
    I actually like some of the country rock from the early 70’s-especially Poco & Pure Prairie League. It was groundbreaking & had some excellent musicians, Jim Messina, Craig Lee Fuller, Timothy Schmidt, etc.

  6. Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate country music just the G.B.’s and Toby’s that steel old Rock and Blues songs and twang them all up.

  7. 1st robo, No I’m sayin’ that I wish He would crawl back under whatever rock he has been hiding under and stay there, I couldn’t stand him when he was first relesaed or any of the subsequent rereleases he has had. As andy said “everybody will be famous for 15 minutes in their life” He has wasted 20 years of mine having to hear of him.
    2nd sunn: I coulden’t agree more with your comment #5 as well as others, Leon Russell, JJ Cale, Jimmy Carl Black, ect. It seems that all the world focuses on is the Country Music(and I use the term loosely) artists.

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