MR NW Surprise Inspection

I just returned from the Great White (Or should I say Wet) NW and all was well, looks like most of the previous construction is just about done and except for a few fender benders travel was a breeze. Sorry kids that I did not check in while in the area but I was trying hard to get back to HQ for some Turkey. Allmost made it cept for a layover in Kent. Keep up the good work up there, hope to see all of you when Chain up Season is over. Oh Yeah, I think I saw our operative in western Kansas, Or at least his twin.

2 Responses to “MR NW Surprise Inspection”

  1. Hey Swine! Where were you? I was here. No ringy-dingy.

  2. I know, I was in and out I didn’t know that I would have a layover till late and didn’t want to bother you on a work night. Next time Eh’

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